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Baby’s Got (a sore) Back

December 23, 2009

Well, I didn’t make it to hot yoga this morning.  I woke up with a sore, sore back! I kind of felt like I might have been pushing it too hard during our camel poses yesterday, and sure enough, I woke up with a very tight lower back.  I decided not to risk getting too sore with another hot yoga session, and instead me, Ryan, Don, Lynette, and Ryan’s dad Lynn headed to their gym together.  Lynn got us some week-long passes to their gym (LA Fitness), but since we’ve been doing the yoga and walking outside, we hadn’t gone yet.  We were worried that they might hassle us or give us a hard time about using the guest passes, but they just let us right in!

It was actually really nice to do a simple cardio workout after all that yoga.  I did 5 miles on the treadmill in a little over 45 minutes.  Pretty good! 

After our workout, we headed to Starbuck’s where I picked up a tall soy latte.  I don’t know what brand of soy milk Starbuck’s uses, but it is SWEET! I almost put a splenda packet in my drink without really thinking about it, but then tasted it and realized that it didn’t need any sweetening at all.  It was a good latte, but if I had added sweetener, it definitely would have been too sweet.  I also refueled with a cookies ‘n cream delight Luna bar.  I’m not crazy about Luna bars—they’re okay, but I can think of about 4 bars I would choose to have instead, given the choice.  Anyway—as far as Luna bars go, this flavor was fine.  I feel like Luna bars all kind of taste the same, regardless of the flavor.

This afternoon, we’re meeting up with Ryan’s friends for a late lunch in downtown Seattle.  Check out the restaurant we’re going to:  It looks good!!  I think we might go to one of the smaller neighborhoods in Seattle and buy a few last minute presents as well…I kind of realized that I’ve gotten a lot of presents for everyone else, but I’m kind of scrimping on the person who matters most—Ryan! I might try to find another gift for him for tonight’s festivities.

Tonight, we’re having a fondue party with the family, and opening and exchanging gifts.  I’ll definitely take a lot of pictures!

Hope you’re having a great day! Have you finished all your Christmas shopping, or are you still not quite finished wrapping it up (haha) like me?

7 Comments leave one →
  1. December 23, 2009 7:43 pm

    I signed up for free trials at some local gyms so I can get a work out in but I’ve been too worried to use them. Maybe I’ll give them a try since you didn’t have a problem with it!

  2. December 23, 2009 8:01 pm

    Good job on the run and hope you have a fabulous dinner. Thanks for sharing the restaurant’s website.

  3. December 23, 2009 9:33 pm

    Oh a fondue party?! how fun! I want to to come 🙂

    Glad you got a good workout in. I really want to start doing more yoga, simply so do cardio isn’t so daunting. I get on the machine and sort of dread it because I do it everyday. Basically I need to spice things up a bit, so I’m really hoping for some good yoga DVDs in my stocking this year!

    Have a great evening. Eat some fondue for me!

  4. December 23, 2009 9:33 pm

    Oh, an dI don’t really like Luna bars either. I would much prefer many other bars to Luna bars. I consider them more of a treat, as they are so sweet!

  5. December 24, 2009 2:06 am

    Great job on the run!

  6. December 24, 2009 2:28 am

    A fondue party sounds like so much fun! I’ve finished wrapping all of the Christmas presents, but I still have a ton of baking to do tonight. I better get busy!

    I hope your back feels better real soon.


  7. greensandjeans permalink
    December 24, 2009 3:20 am

    Starbucks actually worked with Silk to make the perfect soy milk to complement espresso! How cool is that?

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