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Taco Time

December 10, 2009

Hello blog friends!

Have you had a good morning?  I slept in a little this morning– 7:30.  I think I was extra tired because I didn’t sleep well last night…our house was shaking and quaking!  On the news this morning, it said that we got up to 50 mph winds last night– I believe it!

On a slightly bragging note, I realized this morning when I woke up that I didn’t eat anything sweet after dinner last night.  This might not sound like a big deal, but I have a SERIOUS sweet tooth…I honestly cannot remember the last time I didn’t end dinner with some sort of dessert/sweet.  I mean, it’s not always a huge dessert or a big bowl of ice cream; sometimes I just have a small piece of chocolate.  But I always have SOMEthing.  I guess last night I just kind of got distracted and forgot!  Maybe there will be more sweet-free nights in my future…I hope so.  My sweet tooth is definitely the one area of my diet that I find hardest to control. 

I did some online work for a while this morning, and then did a quick cross-training workout, alternating five minute runs on the treadmill with reps of various toning exercises (squats, planks, pushups, etc.).  These interval workouts really make the time fly!

After showering and getting dressed (and drying my hair…which now takes FOREVER since it’s so long.  It’s been a nuisance lately, so much so that I’m contemplating a major chop when I get it cut over break…but EEK!  Major haircuts freak me out.  Heck, non-major haircuts freak me out.  Obviously.), it was time for lunch.  I reached deep into the freezer to dig out a package of soy crumbles that we’ve had for a while– taco time!

My tacos had: 2/3 cup Morningstar soy crumbles, 1 string cheese, chopped red pepper, and lettuce.  Served with a side of pear (which was SO good).

Mmmmm…the cheese melted out of the second taco…so gooey and delicious!

I topped it off with a Kashi bar for D-sert.

Okay…I’m off to collect research paper and fiction portfolios!  See you for dinner!

In thinking about my haircut, I ask– have you ever gotten a “major” haircut?  Did you love it, or regret it?

ps- Check out my friend Elyssa’s new (well, resurrected) blog:  If you like fancy things, beautiful antiques, thrift store steals, and general merriment, this is the blog for you!

10 Comments leave one →
  1. December 10, 2009 6:34 pm

    Sophomore year, and right after my wedding in Oct, I got 15 inches off of my hair! It was dramatic, but it grows back. 🙂

  2. December 10, 2009 6:36 pm

    I’ve chopped my hair off a few times. I’ve gone from mid-back to chin length in one swoop. (If you notice in the guatemala picture on my blog, my hair is really short, barely at my chin). It takes some getting used to(give it a week) and then you’ll probably like it. And if you don’t like it, it’ll grow back 😛

    I say go for it!

    Right now, it’s really long and I’m considering chopping it off too!

  3. Elyssa permalink
    December 10, 2009 6:36 pm

    Thanks for the shout-out, Anna! You’re so awesome.

    Love the macro shot of the pear pieces — they look delicious!

  4. Emilee permalink
    December 10, 2009 6:50 pm

    My hair is about down to my butt! I have always loved having long hair… but within the past several weeks have contemplated getting it chopped to above my shoulders! The last time I had short hair I hated it… so I haven’t had the nerve to do it yet! Ah!

  5. Emily permalink
    December 10, 2009 7:00 pm

    I’ve gotten a major chop twice: once after my senior dance recital and once in college. I got about 12 inches both times (and the second time was free, for Locks for Love.) It always grows back!
    I have a major sweet-tooth, too, so lately I’ve made a deal with myself: if I have a glass of wine with dinner, no desert. Sometimes it’s a hard choice, but I make it easier by having a second glass of wine. 🙂

  6. December 10, 2009 7:13 pm

    I am exactly the same way after I eat! I just need some little something sweat. I found some caramel rice cakes that I like, or sometimes just a couple of bites of slow churned ice cream. Even a piece of hard candy will usually do the trick. Good job with the interval workout!

  7. Lynn at The Actors Diet permalink
    December 10, 2009 7:13 pm

    i’ve ALWAYS regretted the big major haircut changes – bob cut, bangs, etc. – i think i’ve discovered i like being stuck in a rut. if it ain’t broke…

    • December 10, 2009 8:20 pm

      I know– that’s what makes me so nervous. Every time I’ve actually changed it up and gotten something really different, I regret it!

  8. December 10, 2009 9:51 pm

    I chopped off my long hair April 2008 to donate for wigs for cancer. It was drastic but I didn’t hate it and it grew back in no time 🙂 Ya never know until you try it 😉
    Good luck!

  9. December 10, 2009 10:13 pm

    That taco looks fantastic!
    I got my hair cut short a few months back (it used to be so long!) and it was the scariest moment ever 🙂 But I love my new shorter hair (its about shoulder length now) and it is so much easier to style etc after going to the gym, swimming etc 🙂

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